Our building is in walking distance of many local restaurants, shops, wineries, and lodgings. Visitors are welcome to stop by during the week as part of their trip to historic Weston.

If you are looking for information about joining our church or attending a worship service, click HERE.


Besides Sunday morning, the church building is open to visitors during office hours, Monday through Thursday, 11:00 - 4:00 PM. Feel free to come inside and see our historically preserved Sanctuary, where people of Weston have continually gathered for 185 years to worship.

On Monday mornings from 8:00 - 11:00 AM, we host Backdoor Coffee in our Fellowship Hall for anyone seeking community or a simple breakfast. This is a great chance to get to know some of the locals!


Weston UMC is a United Methodist Church. You can find information about our beliefs by clicking HERE. Our mission at Weston UMC is to make new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. As an authentic body of believers, we are open to hearing the need in our community and around the world. We embrace our call to be Christ-centered and mission-focused servants.

This church was originally founded as part of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South — meaning the congregation was in favor of maintaining the institution of slavery. After over 180 years and many changes, this church is now the headquarters of the Black Ancestors Awareness Campaign of Weston (BAAC), a sub-comittee of the Weston Museum. They ask to partner with us for special events commemorating Juneteenth and Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

We are also proud partners of the Friends of San Lucas, who support the Mission of San Lucas in Tolíman, Guatemala through fundraisers, coffee sales, and immersion trips. Direct-trade coffee from San Lucas is available to purchase anytime the church is open.


Our church building has three levels. When you come in the front door, you will enter the church foyer on the second level, also known as the Main Level. This is where our offices and classrooms for Sunday school and Kids Club are located. On either side of the foyer are red-carpeted stairs that lead up to the Sanctuary on the third level, where we hold worship services. There is a chair lift available on the left side. The first level is the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen, where we have Backdoor Coffee each Monday. The first level is accessed via the back door or the stairwell off to the right side of the front door entrance.

For more information, contact the office via email or phone with the information below.